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Perverted Toddler Insists On Being Strapped To Mom’s Breasts

Perverted Toddler

Openly seeking to fulfil his perverse fantasies in public, perverted 2-year-old Ferris Tan whined and cried for five solid minutes to be strapped to his mother’s breasts before she gave up and did so, eyewitnesses reported.

“That kid was just a sick bastard – he persistently cried and shrieked until his mother finally gave in and agreed to his depraved requests,” said passer-by Derrick Ang, adding that the sexual deviant also asserted that his mother strapped him in to her chest facing her, so his face would be right on her bosom.

“Everyone was looking at him but did he care? Not at all.”

“He just went on and on until he got what he wanted,” added the disgusted onlooker, adding that this was the worst case of molestation he had ever bore witness to.

When his mother finally strapped him in, sources confirmed that the pervert hugged his mother vigorously on her mammary glands before drifting off into a fitful sleep with his head laying on her breasts, contented that he finally got what he demanded for.

At press time, his mother tried to gently lower the baby into a pram only to wake the boy up and resumed its shrieking that he wanted to “be back on Mommy’s breasts right now.”

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