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PAP Celebrates Election Results By Playing Board Game Monopoly

Photo Credit: Huffingtonpost

Describing it as a recreational game that they can strongly relate to in real life, PAP members of Parliament were reportedly striking up a celebratory game of Monopoly in the wee hours of the Saturday morning after last night’s polling results.

This just in after results announced that the PAP won 93% of the contested seats in the General Elections 2015 that took place last night.

Calling it a “break well-deserved and well-earned”, PM Lee expressed his love for the board game, especially when he “controlled the monopoly across the board.”

“When I’m in complete control of the game board, it feels great to be able to dictate terms and raise tax prices.”

“It’s the best when you’re in the lead – you just keep getting richer and your opponents keep getting poorer,” he continued, adding that the income inequality gap makes it nigh impossible for the losers in this game to catch up.

“Nothing feels better than controlling the whole board game from Mediterranean Avenue all the way to Boardwalk”

Minister of Transport Lui Tuck Yew was reportedly in control of three out of four railroad stations.

“Time to jack up the prices for transport as I wish,” he cackled like a maniac, only to stop abruptly and had the smile wiped off his face after realising his landing on the “Water Works” tile owned by Minister of Environment Vivian Balakrishnan.

At press time, the ministers were starting a brand new game with the introduction of a three new rules in order to more accurately reflect real life circumstances: abolishing the “Free Parking” and “Go To Jail” tile, collecting a salary 15 times more than the usual amount when they passed at “Go”.

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